See exclusive Hitman footage at the PC Gamer Weekender

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Agent 47 is back. We've seen the stone-cold killer stalking prey aboard the beta's training boat, but if you want to really get a sense of the scope and complexity of the Hitman's huge new levels, come along to our upcoming live event: the PC Gamer Weekender.

On the weekend of March 5/6, creative director Christian Elverdam will be taking to one of our developer stages at the Old Truman Brewery in London to show exclusive, unseen mission footage. This is your chance to scope out Agent 47's new killing grounds and see some of the ways you can exploit the environment, and the crowds within it, to creatively expose and eliminate your targets.

Hitman's move to an episodic structure makes each environment all the more important. IO are plotting a return to the huge, detailed stages of Hitman Blood Money, and every level must be replayable enough to support repeat runs between releases. Thus each level is a self-contained sandbox that supports player-created challenges as well as story missions, and some will be bigger than any Hitman level that has gone before. At the PC Gamer Weekender you'll be able to see how those levels are shaping up before anyone else.

We have some hugely exciting announcements still to come this week, but our stages are already filling up with great exclusive reveals—Star Citizen, Stellaris, Frozen Synapse 2, Divinity: Original Sin 2—and our game zone will give you time with unreleased giants like Dark Souls 3 and Total War: Warhammer.

Book now to secure your place, and remember to use the code PCG20 to get 20% off the price of a standard ticket. If you'd like to experience the full weekend, you can pick up a PC Gamer Weekender Plus pass which comes with a digital subscription to PC Gamer, exclusive gamezone time, and more. Also, all tickets come with a bonus Steam Key for the ace combat platformer, Dustforce, so what are you waiting for? Join ussss.


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