Phantom Halls is a stylish squad-based shooter that combines Worms with Spelunky

If a game cites Spelunky as an influence, I'm bound to be interested. If it throws Worms into that mix, then I'm likely to be very intrigued. Against its lovely-looking 3D papercraft aesthetic, Phantom Halls bills itself as an "action-packed survival adventure" whose squad-based makeup and multi-functioning characters promises just that. "It's a real-time Worms with the procedurally generated chaos of Spelunky," says developer Incendium.

Set to arrive on Steam's Early Access initiative on March 13, Phantom Halls follows a group of outspoken characters who're made to battle a cast of "monstrous" enemies by way of makeshift weapons within a haunted house. The devs point out that March 13 also marks the 30th anniversary of The Evil Dead 2 and as such has something special planned for launch. 

Here's a brief look at how Phantom Halls comes together: 

When it first lands on Early Access, Phantom Halls will cost £5.99/$6.99 and will come with ten playable characters and 12 different enemy types. Its procedurally-generated mansion will also house six different environments—however this will be grown over the course of the game's time in pre-release development. 

Speaking to that last part, creative lead Llexi Leon says: "Early Access is a fantastic testing bed for the core game to determine which features are most desired and what people want to see next—Phantom Halls will be fully supported and iterated upon in the months ahead as we work towards a full retail build and reimagine more classic horror icons through the game's quirky satirical lens."

Phantom Halls is due to enter Early Access on March 13. More information can be found on its Greenlight page

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show