Diablo 3 launch guide - The PC Gamer Action News Team assembles


Diablo III is finally here -- will it reclaim the throne Diablo II built 12 years ago? We don't know yet, because we aren't for-reals wizards, but we do know that a great many of you will be playing it, so we're covering the Diablo III launch with unprecedented gusto and a landmark amount of verve. Check this page, and the site's front page all this week for the best and most comprehensive Diablo III coverage on the web. We don't call ourselves the "Diablo III Action News Team" for nothing. We call ourselves that because we wanted to take the photo above.

PC Gamer's Diablo III review

? Diablo 3 review Read Tom's final verdict on Diablo 3

? Diablo 3 review as it happens

Updates on Tom Francis' review process as he completes major sections of the game.

The latest Diablo III news

? Diablo 3 lore and backstory: an interview with The Order author Nate Kenyon

Mundane activities do not have zombies to click on for loot, but you can still get through them thanks to the terrific, dark Diablo 3 prequel novel The Order by Nate Kenyon.

? Why is Diablo 3 so satisfying to play? We ask Blizzard for their secrets

It seems that Blizzard's priority is in focusing on “the awesome."

? Diablo 3 errors plague launch, are you struggling to connect?

Diablo 3 players have been battling error 37, error 75 and even the odd rare Error 3005 for the past day. It's been a shaky launch.

? Default is for suckers: How to unlock full skill tree customization in Diablo 3

Diablo 3 has a secret. It won't tell you, but you don't actually have to select one skill from each of the categories...

Choose your class wisely

? Diablo 3 build guide

Here are a few of our favorite Diablo III builds to help guide you toward the perfect class, skills, and equipment to suit your playstyle.

? What Diablo 3 classes are game developers playing as?

We asked Notch, Runic Games, Blizzard themselves, and others: what're you rollin'?

? Meet the classes of Diablo 3

If you're still undecided on which of Diablo 3's five classes you're going to roll, check out these personal ads to help you pick which one fits your style.

? Diablo 3 essential tips Our friends at CVG have been playing through Diablo III and here's 30 tips and tricks every Diablo 3 dungeon crawler should know

Get the right hardware

? Build a Diablo 3 PC that can withstand the fires of Hell!

A lot of gamers will be upgrading their hardware for Diablo III. Here's the PC you need.

? The best mice for Diablo 3

A guide to selecting the sturdiest, most comfortable mouse for your late-night click sessions.

Catch up on the story

? Diablo 3: The story so far

Those new to the series may be asking: “What, exactly, are these ugly loot pinatas I'm slaughtering in droves for gold and shiny new weapons?”


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