Crusader Kings Chronicles: Lords of the North, Chapter 1

In the winter of 867, the new chief of Nordland was wintering in the south, at the hall of Näsborg, as a guest of Chief Rikulfr Ulfing of Austergautland. His councilors felt it wise that he make himself known, and present gifts to the powerful chieftains in the South of Scandinavia. Worthy friends would be needed to make his ambitions of power a reality.

While half-drowned in mead, Þórólfr made the acquaintance of a lowborn serving girl of 16 years, Rikissa, whom he joked had stronger arms than his father. Stumbling before Chief Rikulfr, he announced his intention to take the girl back North as his wife. Rikulfr approved, saying such a servant would be a fine gift in exchange for those Þórólfr had brought him.

Marrying a lowborn girl will hurt my prestige, but she is young, and has the Strong trait, which can be passed on to our children.