Today's Overwatch video is all about the turret

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Another day, another Overwatch video. Seriously Blizzard, how many characters have you got? Oh, 14. Well that'll keep us busy for a while then. Today, it's the turn of Torbjörn, an Engineer-like character with an upgradable turret.

In true Engineer style, Torbjörn uses scrap collected from dead enemies to build and upgrade his turret. His other ability lets him throw down armour cores for allies to collect, and his ultimate overheats his suit for increased armour and a buff to attack, building and repairs.

Blizzard's FPS will go into open beta this autumn.

Phil Savage

Phil has been writing for PC Gamer for nearly a decade, starting out as a freelance writer covering everything from free games to MMOs. He eventually joined full-time as a news writer, before moving to the magazine to review immersive sims, RPGs and Hitman games. Now he leads PC Gamer's UK team, but still sometimes finds the time to write about his ongoing obsessions with Destiny 2, GTA Online and Apex Legends. When he's not levelling up battle passes, he's checking out the latest tactics game or dipping back into Guild Wars 2. He's largely responsible for the whole Tub Geralt thing, but still isn't sorry.