Build your dystopian corporate HQ and take tactical control of mercenaries in Aquametsis

Ready to do some immersive-sim style infiltration and sabotage missions in a grim corporate future? That's what we got a look at in the newest gameplay trailer for Aquametsis, debuting today at the PC Gaming Show: Most Wanted, where a clever operator used a variety of tools to get into and take down an enemy corporation's submarine base.

Developer Ronesans Interactive calls Aquametsis "a unique blend of immersive sim, tactical FPS, and strategy set in a submerged corporate hellscape" where you "control cunning mercs on high-stakes infiltration missions and engage in tactical combat while overseeing the management of your private mercenary company as a logistics manager."

The trailer shows a lot of moving-and-shaking for the player, who climbs, leaps between structures, crawls through vents, breaks windows to enter them, and even does a bit of wall-kicking parkour to get a leg up onto a building's roof. Using melee techniques to stealth takedown guards, they get into position before launching… a big ol' plasma explosion at a patrolling vehicle.

From there it kicks into high gear, showing the operator laying in wait and ambushing enemies as they patrol looking for the intruder, using weapons like a nasty looking high-caliber silenced pistol and a chunky assault rifle. The operator also deploys a drone armed with an explosive plasma cannon that's able to smash through windows to hunt down its prey.

Aquametsis doesn't yet have a release date, but the combination of gameplay types will definitely appeal to those who loved Metal Gear Solid 5's loop of mission and management. There's also the draw for those of you who just love a good immersive sim sneak-in-and-shoot-em-up.

You can find Aquametsis on Steam, where it doesn't yet have a release date, but it does have a demo.


Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.