PC Gamer US Podcast #328 - PAXstravaganza!

Picking up the "Host Three PCG Podcasts" achievement, T.J. once again leads a party of daring journalist-adventurers into the deep and dank dungeons of the week's PC gaming goings-on. We talk the unforgettable moments of PAX (both the good, and the ones we wish were slightly more forgettable), the closure of City of Heroes, whether or not Steam should be catering to your sexy time fix, and how T.J. would like to punch story writer Sean Vanaman repeatedly in the abdomen so he can see how it feels to be on the receiving end of The Walking Dead Episode 3.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg on PC Gamer US Podcast 328: PAXstravaganza

The MERP petition can be found here .

The City of Heroes petition can be found here .

Other stuff we talked about:

Our PAX Panel!


The Last of Us

Team EG

T.J.'s Crusader Kings Chronicle

Seduce Me Controversy

And T.J. singing, LIVE!

Have a question, comment, complaint, or observation? Leave a voicemail: 1-877-404-1337 ext 724 or email the mp3 to pcgamerpodcast@gmail.com.

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@tyler_wilde (Tyler Wilde)

@AsaTJ (T.J. Hafer)

@omripetitte (Omri Petitte)

@belsaas (Erik Belsaas, podcast producer)


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