Mod just straight up puts Ultrakill into Devil May Cry 5 and it works

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you made Nero and Dante and Vergil into something arguably-more-murderous? Well, one modder has wondered just that and then acted upon this thought: Behold, the robots of Ultrakill brought into Devil May Cry 5.

Ultrakill is a wild ride of a retro-shooter that has robots bathing in the blood of their enemies to heal, which in our Chris Livingston's opinion is "even more metal than Doom." Devil May Cry 5 is a third person action brawler in an iconic series that we're all still a bit peeved we didn't get the proper special edition of on PC.

Made by modder sparkie1j, the Ultrakill Megapack series of mods wildly mashes one game into the other like a trendy 2010s t-shirt site, except with a modicum of taste and skill instead. It also has work by modders Haise, sugarflow, and jacksys. 

The mods do a lot of stuff: The knucklebuster, shotgun, some swords, the whiplash arm, sentry head—it's a lot, ok? Their key feature, really, is to put modder SamuelJB's models of robots V1 and V2 into DMC5 along with a suite of swords and weapons designed by other modders. Once you've done that, well, bam: Devil May Cry with sarcastic boomer shooter gunbots.

Ultrakill Megapack 2 is actually a continuation in a series of mods adding more and more Ultrakill stuff to DMC5. Previous packs in the series did smaller stuff, but this new pack's additions of stuff like the rocket launcher and knucklebuster make it much more iconically Ultrakill.

Honestly, to me, the funniest part of this is how understated the mod description is on Nexusmods. "A huge mod pack to replace a bunch of dmc 5 stuff with ULTRAKILL stuff" reads the description. Nonplussed, as though it did not involve hundreds of hours of work and study to pull this off.

You can find Ultrakill Megapack Act 2 on Nexusmods. It's dependent on the previous mods in the series. You can find instructions on how that works, but the short story is that you need to install v1 over nero, BIBLE, and Ultrakill Megapack 1 first, in that order.


Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.