Hearthstone players are about to pay a visit to the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan. The new 132-card set launches on Thursday, December 1, and is themed around three shady crime families. Aside from some actually playable Priest cards, the most interesting part of the set are the new 'tri-class’ cards. These can only be included in decks belonging to the crime family which your class is part of. There are only nine tri-class cards total, three for each family, and they're denoted by a little banner with an icon which hangs in the top left.
Here's the breakdown of families...
Grimy Goons: Hunter, Warrior, Paladin. Crossed clubs icon.
Themed around a new mechanic that enables the cards you play to give stat buffs to creatures that are still in your hand.
Jade Lotus: Druid, Rogue, Shaman. Lotus flower icon.
Themed around buffing and summoning increasingly powerful Jade Golem creatures.
Kabal: Mage, Priest, Warlock. Potion bottle icon.
Themed around brewing powerful potions and only using single copies of every card in your deck to unlock a powerful effect like Reno Jackson's.
We've updated the gallery so it now has every card in the set—the latest ones are at the end. You can also check out our ranking of all the previous expansions here, and our list of the 25 most powerful legendary cards in the game.

Small-Time Bucaneer

Blubber Baron

Hidden Cache

Sergeant Sally

Genzo, the Shark

Hobart Grapplehammer

Lotus Illusionist

Kabal Songstealer

Luckydo Buccaneer


Krul the Unshackled

Gadgetzan Socialite


Celestial Dreamer

Unlicensed Apothecary


Naga Corsair

Blastcrystal Potion


Freezing Potion

Finders Keepers

Public Defender

Street Trickster

Streetwise Investigator

Greater Healing Potion

Sleep with the Fishes

Mayor Noggenfogger

Weasel Tunneler

Ancient of Blossoms

Smuggler's Crate

Defias Cleaner

Red Mana Wyrm

Shadow Rager

Greater Arcane Missiles

Kabal Trafficker

Raza the Chained


White Eyes

Kabal Chemist


Inkmaster Solia

Wickerflame Burnbristle

Drakonid Operative

Shaku, the Collector

Don Han'Cho

Finja, the Flying Star

Patches the Pirate

Wind-Up Burglebot

Spiked Hogrider

Virmen Sensei

Kooky Chemist

Lotus Agents

Kun the Forgotten King

Jinyu Waterspeaker

Lotus Assassin

Leatherclad Hogleader

Jade Spirit

Hozen Healer

Grimestreet Enforcer

Jade Chieftain

Jade Behemoth

Worgen Greaser

Grimestreet Protector

Grimy Gadgeteer

Aya Blackpaw


Fight Promoter

Trogg Beastrager

Toxic Sewer Ooze

Tanaris Hogchopper

Dispatch Kodo

Shadow Sensei

Smuggler's Run

Call in the Finishers

Shaky Zipgunner

Seadevil Stinger

Second-rate Bruiser

Burgly Bully

Rat Pack

Mistress of Mixtures

Meanstreet Marshal

I Know a Guy

Manic Soulcaster

Piranha Launcher

Pilfered Power

Mana Geode