Fez sells 105K copies in 48 hours during Steam summer sale

The Steam Summer Sale is a powerful entity. It's converted many of us into shady, virtual card-dealing swindlers looking to make a quarter or two. Previously held convictions have been thrown out the door as well, as Fez creator Phil Fish, a man who has a tumultuous past with online community, has sold over 105,000 copies of his infuriatingly clever puzzle-platformer in a mere 48 hours.

Fish posted a Steam sales graph, appropriately labeling the huge sales spike as “BANANERS” after thanking “cheap people everywhere.”

Fish's precarious relationship with the Internet aside, we're big fans of Polytron's labyrinth of ciphers and hope the sequel skirts the year-long moratorium we saw in the original's PC release.

Fish said Fez II is “ Coming to ???? in ???? ,” but told Polygon that it wasn't coming to Xbox. Considering the only other platform Fez released on was the PC, there's a good chance the sequel will return there—hopefully sooner rather than later.