Syndicate makers Starbreeze hit Payday: the Heist devs with takeover

Not the last thing you want to see before you die.

Obviously inspired by the events of their recently released Syndicate , Swedish developers Starbreeze are out to get Overkill Software, the creators of co-op multiplayer bank robbery game Payday: the Heist. Starbreeze want to buy the similarly Swedish studio and fold them into the company under their banner.

Were Starbreeze to adopt the corporate tactics of Syndicate's Miles Kilo, they'd drop into Overkill's offices via future helicopter thing, murder everyone in the IT department, and pull something out of their CEO's brain. But somewhat fortunately, they're not doing that - they're going through the proper business channels and waiting on the go-ahead from their shareholders.

Shortly following this news, the smaller studio confirmed they were working on a sequel to Payday: The Heist, as well as continuing to support their previous game. Eurogamer report that Starbreeze head Mikael Nermark will be letting Overkill continue work on the title, making the next Payday a proper Starbreeze game. Should the deal go through, Starbreeze would go some way to replacing the 25 staff they laid off recently.