Where your gaming PC comes from

Allied PC group
(Image credit: Allied)

Allied is an Australian-based PC manufacturer, and if it's not one of the first names that comes to mind when buying a new gaming PC, then perhaps it should be, as the team behind Allied has over 20 years of PC making experience.

Allied has been part of the Australian gaming PC scene for many years, and the company has just launched in New Zealand, with further expansion plans on the horizon.

Allied's brand statement is Change the Game. It takes pride in all facets of its business, with a focus on delivering a top-quality experience. It all begins from the moment you first visit its website. Then you'll notice Allied's competitive pricing, attention to detail, the gaming optimised specifications and aesthetics of its PCs. Then there's the comprehensive after-sales. Buying an Allied PC is more an experience than a simple purchase.

Allied's main facility is based in Adelaide, Australia. Buying a PC from Allied means you’re supporting a growing Australian business that's ready to take on the world. Allied has plans to expand, and expand big, and soon you'll be seeing Allied PCs all over the world.

Allied Stinger-A

(Image credit: Allied)

Allied PC group

Gaming PCs from Allied come in all shapes and sizes. (Image credit: Allied)

Meet the Allied team

Allied isn’t a soulless business made up of various levels of disinterested bean counters more worried about numbers on a spreadsheet than its customers or the products themselves. The Allied team are all gamers, from the CEO down. Some of them hail from the early days of PC gaming and are motivated to share their passion with all gamers.

Aron Saether-Jackson (CEO), Ricky Saether-Jackson (COO) and Luke Flesher (SVP Sales and Marketing) have many decades of experience between them, having previously run the Asia Pacific operations for Alienware and Origin PC.

A gaming PC is typically built to fit into a strict internal budget, with a limited set of component choices (if any). They're often built in some far-flung factory by workers that don’t have any interest in PC gaming. Allied founders have seen this way of doing business, and strive to do better.

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The friendly support team at Allied helping customers with their orders. (Image credit: Allied)

Luke Flesher, SVP Sales and Marketing said: "Our vision for Allied is to be more agile and responsive, and lead the market in product performance, development and functionality. We want to provide real value in every PC; that’s why we tell people comparing offerings, "Don’t settle for stock".

Allied Gaming PCs are backed by a dedicated Australian based in-house support team. They know their products inside and out. Having a team with an intimate knowledge of their products will always be preferable to the impersonal touch you'd get when you're directed to an outsourced call centre.

Allied assembly

An Allied expert building a customer's gaming PC. (Image credit: Allied)

A look at where your Allied Gaming PC comes from

Leadership and a strong vision are important, but it takes commitment and passion from each and every team member to succeed, and Allied certainly has plenty of those in all areas of the business.

The Allied team are all gamers. Every team member plays games in some shape or form, and every employee learns to build PCs when they start regardless of department, and there are definitely plenty of PC enthusiasts in the team.

Allied's Adelaide operations include its own in-house design and marketing teams. It has 3D printing facilities, its after-sales support team is on-site and all Allied gaming PCs are assembled in-house.

Mitch Berriman is an Allied build team member. He's proud (and lucky!) to be able to blend his day job with his hobby. “I’ll be on building, system integration and testing, or warranty repair work during the day, and then go home to Counter-Strike, Overwatch, Elden Ring… It’s a pretty awesome lifestyle, working with the very latest PC components, or giving feedback on the products we’re developing in-house like cases, coolers or cables."

Allied gaming PCs are much more than just a standard case with stock components. Allied gaming PCs come with a trademark white aesthetic, with a heavy focus on attention to detail. All Allied gaming PCs come with high performance CPU coolers, white sleeved cabling, carefully planned cable management and loads of RGB, in every build, regardless of price point.

Allied Doomcutie PC

Allied did a custom build for Instagram gamer Doomcutie, and it looks absolutely beautiful. (Image credit: Doomcutie on Instagram)

Allied Playing It

An Allied gaming PC can be created to fit right into your unique style. Here's a build Allied did for Playing_It_Groovy on Instagram. (Image credit: Playing_It_Groovy on Instagram)

Should you wish, there are a range of options to make your PC stand out from others. If you've ever seen some of the custom water-cooled builds at trade shows or gaming events, Allied are all too happy to come up with a build for you.

Dan Verheij is an Allied Build Specialist with many years of experience building liquid cooled PCs “I’ve always loved custom builds, so working on Hardline through its design, development, launch and scaling phases is a bit of a dream come true, and something I’m hugely proud of.

Check out the M.O.A.B.! It's the kind of PC you'll want to look at just as much as the game on your screen. The M.O.A.B is one of very few prebuilt PCs to incorporate hardline custom water-cooling loops. They can be customised with a wide variety of different hardware options and your choice of coolant colours.

Another nicely balanced gaming PC from Allied is the Stinger-A, which we’ve reviewed here on PC Gamer. It’s affordable, yet delivers the performance a discerning gamer expects.

If you fancy something a bit more unique, talk to Allied. They're happy to create something to suit your own personal style. That can mean something like printing a side-panel with your own custom artwork to a fully uniquely themed PC.

Allied studio

A slick Allied PC looks the part, with the power you desire for all your gaming and creative work. (Image credit: Allied)

Allied WoW

This beauty is a World of Warcraft-inspired custom build. Allied would love to talk to you about doing a unique custom gaming PC! (Image credit: Allied)

More than just gaming PCs

Watch out for Allied in the years to come. It's one of few companies in the world officially authorised to build Chromebooks for the government and education sectors. It offers high performance workstation and server solutions and it’s expanding all over the world. "That means hundreds of local jobs in manufacturing, engineering, support, logistics, sales, marketing, design, creative – you name it. That’s where we’re headed,” said Aron Saether-Jackson, CEO.

Allied PC

The detail and care for quality here shows that the team at Allied definitely know what they're doing, and have a passion for PC gaming. (Image credit: Allied)

With that kind of passion and enthusiasm, you'll be hearing a lot more from Allied in the years to come.

Find out all about Allied, and see the range of stunning gaming PCs right here. Our New Zealand friends can find Allied here.